Another way of affirming this–by quoting Antonio Machado–the path is made by walking.
In my morning pages today, Julia Cameron reminds me that “There is a path for each of us. When we are on the right path, we have a sure-footedness. We know the next right action… By trusting, we learn to trust.” I’d like to add that when you realize what path you’re on, you can see from afar who/what’s coming up against you or what you’re banging up against… Instead of anger or irritation, you understand that each person or each thing has its growth to do: surrendering illusions of control, building faith and commitment to one’s journey, and seeing to it that it’s enough.

Kaloli bird, Kampala
This day refreshes the spirit of my loving father who walked his path with courage and bold joy. May it be that I walk mine with affirmative gladness until the day I, too, shall rest.
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