The Animals of My Earth School
Published by Terrapin Books, 2023

Praise for The Animals of My Earth School
In the compassionate, playful, fable-like poems of The Animals of My Earth School, Mildred Kiconco Barya awakens us to the vividly singing, fully alive, non-human communities surrounding us. These poems demonstrate poetry’s unique ability to prick us from our self-involved numbness and awaken us to wonder. There is great solace, tenderness, and innocence here—the kind of innocence capable of apprehending the creatures of the world—and thus the world itself—afresh. Like a literary Noah’s ark of song, The Animals of My Earth School provides a place where all may dance and thrive. These poems provide pleasure and a glimmer of hope. —Michael Hitachi
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My first collection of poetry, Men Love Chocolates But They Don’t Say won the Uganda National Award for poetry publication, 2002. The Price of Memory After the Tsunami is my second poetry collection published by Mallory International, UK, 2006. Give Me Room to Move My Feet my third poetry book, published by Amalion, Senegal, 2009.
My short story publications include: Bless the Broken Path published in Northeast Review 2014, Black Stone published in Per Contra 2012, “Scars of Earth” in The African Love Stories Anthology, Ayebia Clarke Publishing Ltd, UK, 2006. “Effigy Child” published by Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) UK, 2004, and republished in Gifts of Harvest, FEMRITE, 2006. “Raindrops” published in Words From A Granary, FEMRITE anthology, 2001. “Land of my Bones” published in Dreams, Miracles & Jazz, an anthology of New Africa Fiction, Pan Macmillan, 2008.
Men Love Chocolates But They Don’t Say

The Price of Memory: After the Tsunami
The Price of Memory is a collection of 63 poems divided into three categories: “Poems of pleasure and pain,” “Poems of weakness and strength”, and “Poems of identity and renunciation.” The poems in vivid imagery uncover what happens when the pleasurable thrill of being alive is lost in the pain that settles among the familiar and refuses to say goodbye. The subject of memory, remembrance and forgetfulness resound throughout the collection.
We send the eye to peer into the future, We are shocked to discover the future came…
What can take away the pain and cold anger is the indomitable will that purposes to shed off memory like a cloak.

Give Me Room to Move My Feet
In 100 thought-provoking textually original poems, Mildred Kiconco Barya explores elements of time and space on the landscapes of memory, observation and experience at individual points and collective levels. The poet uses motion as a connecting thread for the seven parts of human experiences and livelihoods – revolving lives, stormy heart, before the sun sinks, the pain of tenderness, shame has a place, the shape of dreams, and until the last breath is drawn – to herald an inspiring collection of maturity and tenderness.

African Love Stories
Ama Ata Aidoo, Editor.

Words from a Granary
Violet Barungi, Editor. From the publisher’s description: Words from a Granaryis the second anthology of short stories by Ugandan women to be published by the Ugandan Women Writers’ Association, Femrite. It is the outcome of a three-year programme of workshops geared towards equipping creative women writers in a difficult social and intellectual environment. ‘Granary’, a symbol of hope in face of despair in the traditional Ugandan homestead, is synonymous with promise for these female writers and publishers, and thus the elected title of the collection. The workshops called for stories from which fifteen were selected for this anthology. New writers are strongly represented and there are also contributions from established writers. The stories tell different tales and capture different experiences of aspects of contemporary Ugandan life, providing a variety of insights into people’s lives and concerns.

Gifts of Harvest
Violet Barungi, Editor. From the publisher’s description: Often it is the tragedies that befall us that bring out the best in us in terms of creative talent. This is reflected in this short-story anthology. From the origins of life – and its antithesis, death – through tradition as opposed to modernity, through depredations and ravages of war, HIV/Aids, marital infidelity, school experiences, to the importance of resilience, this anthology traverses a broad literary territory both in terms of themes and styles. Here you will find the voices of women from different parts of Uganda joined together by a commonality of concerns. Some of the twelve works published in this anthology have won prestigious literary awards and prizes in their individual capacities or have made it to the shortlist, making this collection the best of the best. The patience, sensitivity for detail, and total absence of melodrama even in the most tragic of pieces, signal a watershed in Uganda’s literature and give the reader a glimpse of greater things to come.

Dreams, Miracles and Jazz
Helon Habila & Kadija Sesay, Editors. From the publisher’s description: Dreams, Miracles and Jazz is an anthology of new writing in English from writers born in Africa or of African parentage. Stories from emerging voices including previous Caine prize winners, Binyavanga Wainana, Segun Afolabli and Brian Chikwava; writers who have since secured book deals, like Sefi Atta, and others whose work has won awards and is found regularly in national and international anthologies such as Biram Mboob and Mamle Kabu. The anthology is diverse thematically, covering almost all the major contemporary African issues such as AIDS, migration (both within and outside of the continent), land issues and identity. There is the tragic as well as the comic, but what runs through them all is the writers’ love and optimism for their continent, their belief in its future. Here are stories from Africa’s emerging international voices, telling stories in both traditional and new ways, paying homage to those who have gone before, yet forging ahead along their own dynamic new paths of storytelling. Good storytelling to be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates good fiction and wonderful writing.

The Social Sciences and Africa’s Future
Knowledge Rajohane Matshedisho, Claude Abe, Mildred Kiconco Barya, Esther Van Heerden, Ingrid Palmary.
- Wordplay Radio Show poems & conversation, Asheville FM 103.3 2019.
- Factors and The Fire People,, 2018
- Shuddering Expansion/Where home is, Asymptote Journal, 2018
- Locusts Tiferet Journal, 2018
- The heart, the heart, the hunger, Lady/Liberty/Lit Journal, 2018
- Ergonomics in Truck, 2016.
- Ode to the Sheep Prairie Schooner, 2016.
- Two poems, “The City of Antelope” and “Piano Lessons” in Capitals:Poetry Anthology on Capital Cities of the World, ed. Abhay K. Forthcoming.
- “The fire people” Poetry Quarterly, 2015.
- “Seen City” and “Unseen City” in Kampala Poetry Anthology, BN Publication, 2015.
- “Three poems” in Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, ed. Jane Plastow, Vol 14, (2014) School of English, University of Leeds, p90-91.
- Stormy Heart in A Thousand Voices Rising: An Anthology of Contemporary African Poetry, ed. Beverley N Nsengiyunva, Gilgal Media Arts, Kampala, (2014) p13-14.
- “Resolution” in Feminist Challenges in the Information Age, ed. Christiane Floyd, et al. Leske + Budrich, Opladen, 2002.
Editor: Boda Boda Anthem and Other poems–Kampala Poetry Anthology published by Babishai Niwe, Uganda 2015.