About MKB

Mildred Kiconco Barya is a North Carolina-based writer, educator, and poet of East African descent. She teaches and lectures globally, and is the author of four full-length poetry collections, most recently "The Animals of My Earth School" released by Terrapin Books, 2023. Her prose, hybrids, and poems have appeared in Shenandoah, Joyland, The Cincinnati Review, Tin House, New England Review, and elsewhere. She’s now working on a collection of creative nonfiction, and her essay, “Being Here in This Body”, won the 2020 Linda Flowers Literary Award and was published in the North Carolina Literary Review. She serves on the boards of African Writers Trust, Story Parlor, and coordinates the Poetrio Reading events at Malaprop’s Independent Bookstore/Café. She blogs here: www.mildredbarya.com
Author Archive | MKB

Happy news & other news

Happy news: For the Pan African Literary Forum contest, I took first place in the Africana Fiction category. I am doubly honored as Junot Díaz, the Pulitzer Prize winning fiction writer and essayist, was the judge for that category. Other news: Two unpublished novels. One complete; one still in progress. Notes on both below.

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 From my first collection of poetry, Men Love Chocolates But They Don’t Say.

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After the Tsunami

From my second collection of poems, The Price of Memory: After the Tsunami After the Tsunami

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